Flyver Cup 2025

One minute of silence on Saturday

TSK was deeply shocked to hear about the tragic news that unfolded in Washington D.C. a few days ago. Figure skating unites us across borders, but over the past few days, we have stood together in sorrow.

There will be ice resurfacing at 2.30 p.m., followed by a minute of silence before the warmup of Debs M.

Flyver Cup 2025

TSK's egen skøjtekonkurrence bliver afholdt 31. januar–2. februar 2025 – og vi kan næsten ikke vente! Meget mere info vil følge her på siden, som løbende bliver opdateret. 

Måltider & Løber-middag:

Du kan som altid købe billigt mad, drikke og snacks i løbet af hele weekenden.

Løber-middag (Fredag, 31. januar 2025):

TSK tilbyder en hyggelig middag, hvor vi vil fejre den 34. Flyver Cup fra 17:30 til 20:30.

Alle er velkomne til at deltage for 70,– DKK.

Tilmeld dig middagen her


Dates for Flyver Cup 2025 have been set. Please reserve January 31st – February 2nd 2025 for the competition in Tårnby, Denmark. We are looking forward and will continuously be updating this site with more information. Kindly see the invitation below and PPC, Time Schedule and Participants List above.

Meals & Skater dinner:

You can as always buy cheap food, drinks and snacks throughout the weekend.

Skater dinner (Friday 31. January 2025):

TSK offers a "hyggelig"/cozy dinner, where we will celebrate the 34th Flyver Cup from 17.30 (5.30 pm) to 20.30 (8.30 pm).

Everyone is welcome at a cost of 70,– DKK.

Sign up for the dinner here

    Mark your calendars! Next year's Flyver Cup is set!

    The dates for Flyver Cup 2026 has been found! Already now mark your calenders for 6–8th of February 2026, where the 35th version of Flyver Cup will take place at Kastrup Skating Rink.