
Skaterhockey in Aarhus

In Aarhus Smileys we play Skaterhockey and follow the international rules for such. Skaterhockey is a sport which involves a ball made from hard plastic, two goals and a rink smaller than that from Ice Hockey. Nevertheless is the sport actionpacked as you never get a lot of time to think, and have to react as fast as possible; To succeed with your passes or your stick handling. 

We play in a outdoors rink at Gøteborg Allé, next to the ice rink in Aarhus. 

You're very welcome to join us, at practice mondays and wednesdays at 19:00 for the well practiced team (Turneringshold) or tuesdays and thursdays for the beginner/lightly  (Begynder/Øvet and Hyggeholdet) practiced teams at 19:00 and 20:30 respectively. 

The minimum requirement for gear in all teams except Hyggeholdet is helmet, shinguards, gloves and, of course, rollerblades. 

It is sometimes possible to borrow from the other players as the club doesn't have any extra gear yet. For this you just have to send an e-mail a day or two in advance to [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected], and we'll see what we can do. 

Normally we use the Holdsport portal to sign up for practice, but this is solely in danish, so just send an email, and let us know. We'll make an account for you, if you're interested in further practice. Of course the first couple of practices are free. 

Furthermore the member fee is only 400 dkk for a season (Apr-Oct), and is to be paid if you're playing regularly. 

Picture from practice